Jordan's Principle Program is a program that provides supports and services for families with children with development and/or physical disabilities, as well as additional needs they may have. The objectives is to engage families and the community in working together to improve the quality of life for all the children in Poplar River. Overall the program will be education focused.
Contact Information
Jordan's Principle Program
Phone Number #1: 204-244-2482
Phone Number #2 :204-244-2318
Fax Number: 204-244-2189
Staff Listing
Mike Bear - Case Manager -
Vacant - Special Ed Teacher
Thia Franklin - Admin. Assistant
Randy Mitchell - Custodian/Driver
Child Development Workers
Billie Bruce
Patty Hudson
Catherine Valiquette
Warren Greene
Logan Valiquette
Land Based Workers
Waylon Bittern
Bobbi Sue Green
Perro Bruce Jr
Bailey Bittern
Mallory Douglas
John Sanderson
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Our Resources And Partners
Manitoba First Nation Resource Centre
Poplar River School
Southeast Child and Family Services
Poplar River Group Home
Poplar River Nursing Station
Poplar River Health Center